Everything to Getting a Hit Today

So you want to have the next big hit but you don’t know what it takes to accomplish that goal?  Let me tell you, it takes patience and consistency.  And if I’m being honest with you is it even really worth it? There is no magical formula to success. No simple hack to make it happen quicker.  Sometimes it even feels like it’s pure luck whether or not you go viral. It seems impossible to keep up with the ever changing fads of what is popular on the internet.  It seems to be moving a million miles per hour. Where do we even start?  These are all great questions that may not have any real answers because it is constantly changing.

Let’s start by finding a focus.  You need to be an expert in one thing and not just good at many things.  This means you must find a niche.  This can be very challenging because we have so many things we may love or enjoy.  But if your content is not specific and on brand it can be confusing to people and they may not want to come back.  Once you have a niche picked out you will need to decide what platform will work best for your specific niche.  I know a lot of people try to get there content out everywhere and on every platform but I would argue that internet minimalism may actually be in your favor.  By choosing one platform you can put more of your time and energy into making it excellent and that is what people want to see.

The first thing to do when trying to create content is to set a smart goal.  You need a way to track progress or you will always feel like you are failing.  What is a smart goal you may ask?  It’s an acronym as show below.






Smart goals are important when trying to achieve things because it makes your task seem more doable and less impossible.  It allows you to watch your progress and know when you have achieved your goal.  So before you continue reading this post go ahead and make your goal and make sure it fits each of these criteria.

Now that you have your goals the fun can begin.  You will need to experiment with what people like and don’t like to see on their feed.  This may be the worst part of being a creative because to “make” it you must curate for the crowd. You need to know what they like so they keep coming back.  It no longer matters about your desires and preferences, the internet controls the narrative.

So are you sure this is what you want to sign up for? Remember this is all a big game that the rules continually change to.  You must be able to separate yourself from it or it will cause you to spiral.  Your mental health is more important than your fame on social media.  Don’t compromise yourself for an appearance of being popular or cool.  You need to always remember why you wanted to create and create from that.  Be authentic. Be yourself.  Those are my tips for you this week.  As always please be sharing your work with me and sign up below to join our mailing list so you don’t miss next weeks post!

Thomas Terry

Thomas has dedicated his life to helping individuals find their authentic voice. As the founder behind Roses as Humans, he creates spaces where personal narratives can bloom and flourish, much like the delicate petals of a rose. Thomas holds a firm belief that authentic storytelling has the power to heal, connect, and transform both the narrator and their audience. Through Roses as Humans, he continues to nurture this vision, creating ripples of positive change in an increasingly fallen world.


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