The Effects of Personal Journaling
So you're sitting there, staring at your leather-bound notebook, wondering what you should put on those nice clean pages staring back at you. You're not sure where to start or what good it would do if you did. Would anybody ever read your work—or does that even matter? What's the point of putting all your thoughts out into the world? Aren't they fine living in your mind? People have been journaling for years but is there a good reason for it or was it just something to do in a world that was much simpler than our world is now. Today I want to talk about the effects of personal journaling and whether you should start your journaling habit today.

Practice writing lyrics
Sometimes you need to force yourself to create if you are going to continue to be creative. It’s okay to sometimes have a creative block. What is not okay is to allow that to make you give up all your goals and dreams. I promise you everyone who has successfully created something did not do it without having some low points. You are far from being alone.

Everything to Getting a Hit Today
So you want to have the next big hit but you don’t know what it takes to accomplish that goal? Let me tell you, it takes patience and consistency. And if i’m being honest with you is it even really worth it? There is no magical formula to success. No simple hack to make it happen quicker. Sometimes it even feels like it’s pure luck whether or not you go viral. It seems impossible to keep up with the ever changing fads of what is popular on the internet. It seems to be moving a million miles per hour. Where do we even start? These are all great questions that may not have any real answers because it is constantly changing.

Break the rules
So now that you know the rules what are you going to do? Don’t lie to me you are not going to follow every single rule there is out there. That is way to much to remember and what is the fun in that. Rules are meant to be broken. Well when it comes to being creative. Maybe some rules in life are meant to be followed, but this isn’t a post about life advice we are trying to be creatives. So let’s break some rules. We are going to look at the rules from last week and give some brief ideas or ways we can break those rules to help with our writing.If you read our post last week you would know these are the rules we want to follow. But how can we break them? Click the link to keep reading post...

Know the rules
Knowing the rules. If you’ve ever taken a writing or language class in school then you know there is a long list of rules you must follow. You can spend years and years studying the English language and professional writing and just scratch the surface of what you are supposed to know. It’s no secret that writing can be a challenging and time consuming task. Some people dread the thought of writing, but I will assume that since you are here reading this post that you are at least somewhat passionate about writing. Click the link to keep reading post...

Write from Experience
I decided to create Roses as Humans because I wanted a place where stories could come to life and help us grow. We are all broken people and we all have some sort of past. Whether that be broken relationships or abusive parents. Maybe we struggle with mental health like anxiety or depression. Whatever you have in your past you have two options. Option one is you let your past define you and hold you in chains. You can feel bad for yourself and live in that feeling of defeat. However, that doesn’t need to be your outcome. You could choose option two and let your past teach you important lessons and allow yourself to move on. You can then take those lessons to help encourage others who may be struggling with the same things you have. I want this platform to turn into a place you can be inspired to do just that. Follow the link below to keep reading post ...