A Perfect Rose

A Perfect Rose

A Perfect Rose

A Perfect Rose

Thank you to everyone who read each chapter of my first short story. This is a piece that is made up but contains things that are very real to some people. We live in a broken world where pain and suffering are very real. People struggle with many different things whether that be social anxiety, drugs and alcohol, sexual sins, or abuse. You name it and someone has struggled with it. It breaks my heart to know what people have had to go through. I wrote this story to try to shed light on what people have had to go through in life. I want to show that there can be light on the other side of the darkness. Even if it’s hard to see it is there. Some people are looking up to you and need you even if you are unaware of it. Just because you feel lost or like you don’t matter that is far from the truth. You are a beautiful rose, don't ever forget that.

Thomas Terry

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