A Perfect Rose pt. 1

A Perfect Rose pt. 1

A Perfect Rose pt. 1

A Perfect Rose pt. 1

Once upon a time, how every perfect story has begun for centuries. This takes you back to the story's beginning, letting you get a glimpse into the past, to show you why things end up as they do. The story travels through many ups and downs but ends with the happy ever after everyone has come to expect. There is no surprise, each story always follows the same pattern, of ups and downs until finally arriving at the happily ever after. This story, however, isn’t once upon a time it is happening now, it could happen tomorrow or maybe it did already happen. It’s a part of your life and becomes a part of your story. There is no happy ever after, no perfect prince or princess, and no lovers holding hands riding off into the beautiful sunset, there never is. It’s just a fantasy created to tell a good story to keep the listener’s attention. This is real life, your life, a life where dreams don’t come true and darkness rises and takes even the best of us. Unfortunately, this story is more real than you are willing to admit.

Thomas Terry

Live Sound
Vocal Editing

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